Data collection | Analysis | Visualisation | Monitoring

Mapping the coast,
finding opportunities

From ports and quays to seabed mapping and environmental analyses, Norkyst helps you make good decisions in managing your coastal business.

Selected clients

The Ocean Decade, 2020 - 2030

Just 35% of the Norwegian coastline has been mapped in a proper reliable manner

Norway has the second-longest coastline in the world and in the years to come, much of our value creation will come from the deep economy. We will see changes to everything from food production, transport, technological development, industrialisation, and coastal security. This is why we must thoroughly and precisely map the seabed, shipping fairways and quay facilities. Because it’s about our future.

Seabed mapping

See the seabed from a new perspective

  • Find the best routes for fibre-optic cables and pipelines.
  • Spot optimal sites for aquaculture, suction anchors, and offshore wind farms.
  • See every seabed detail with precise imaging.
  • Find elements that may save costs in terms of
    materials and components.
  • Conduct geophysical measurements with seabed penetrating echo sounders.
  • Avoid unwelcome surprises.

Ports and quay facilities

Know with confidence.
Act with certainty.

  • Quay facility sizing for optimal operations.
  • Survey conditions, depths, seabed sediments and more.
  • Plan expansions and maintenance based on accurate data.
  • Uncover errors, weaknesses, and flaws.
  • Monitor changes over time.


From data to opportunities

Data collection

Norkyst uses survey vessels, drones, existing data sets, and in the future satellites.

Innhentet data blir prosessert, renset og utsatt for våre algoritmer.  


Collected data will be processed, scrubbed,  and handled using our AI algorithms and finally quality checked by our in-house experts.  

Beslutningsgrunnlaget for planlegging, budsjettering og gjennomføring.


The decision-making basis for planning, budgeting, and execution.

Spor endringer over tid slik at du kan vite med sikkerhet og ta gode beslutninger.


Keep track of changes over time, letting you know the latest reality with confidence and make good decisions.

Careers at Norkyst

The coast offers many opportunities.

Will you grab them?

We’re a company in growth and need more employees who want to work in one of our most important future industries – the sea.


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